Friday, March 9, 2012

Caring For My Aged Parents

Ever since my aged parents migrated to KL city, they have been living comfortably in my brother's home. They do miss leaving all their social friends behind to spend their remaining years being around us. They have to visit doctors in various hospitals on weekly basis and that's where I have my duty as a son to fetch them around. My older siblings are in overseas. They often felt very lonely with the new environment here but that's part and parcel of life. Many of their friends and relatives of their age are no longer around too. I started to rekindle my relationship as a son with them after the gap when I went overseas. I treasure these moments and opportunity to pamper them as much as I could.

I have changed a lot after so many hospital visits with my parents. I got to see so many helpless, sickly patients including traumatic ones besides occasional prisoners being brought in too. They came in handcuffs feeling down and embarrassed in public view. I do feel sorry for them.

My mother has knee problems which weakens her mobility. She receives her weekly injections from the surgeon which is followed up by proper exercise immediately. The injections cost RM800 each time and the physiotherapy sessions cost RM149 per hour! That costs a bomb on monthly totals but it has helped her and improved her mobility. I am happy for that no matter how small improvements shown.

I realized the great importance for us to keep our bodies healthy. We need to eat well, sleep well and indulge in proper exercises everyday. Being sickly and helpless is a very sad matter for older patients. Not every aged parents will be able to have their loved ones to tend and care for their needs during their final journey in life.

Spare some thoughts today and listen to your body.
We must love ourselves always!

Unforgettable Day

😓 Yesterday was the weakest day of my whole entire life. I had to crawl my way to stay at my sister's place. At her Mont Kiara condo...