Tuesday, February 26, 2013

A Photographer From Korea

I met many Korean and Japanese friends during my student days living in the boarding school at Point Park College in the Southwestern Pennsylvania. I became good buddies with a Korean flower boy Lee Joon Sung, who made the college's Japanese gals crazy and Ga-Ga over him. He had a lovely fiance back in Seoul and they were so deeply in love like the soap dramas over KBS TV channels. He spent many hours love-talk on the phone with her every night until his phone bills ran over US$1000 a month! Goodness! He missed her so much!

Joon Sung studied photography and it was a bonus for me to hang out with him as my advertising major required me to know the basic technical stuffs about photography. Everyday I followed him everywhere to snap his photos from Summer till Falls & Winter. I saw his keen eyes for good angles and learnt to develop my own styles in appreciating good photography.

Before our Winter break, we decided to move out of the boarding school and become room mates. We rented a lovely condo in the posh Shadyside area before the holidays begun. I headed to Dallas and San Francisco for Christmas while he returned to Korea. He got married to his sweet heart right away and never returned! 

We lost touch for over a decade and now we talk on watsap often. Today Joon Sung has become a well known photographer in Korea and holds his yearly exhibitions in Japan. I was a bit stunned and amazed to see his unique shots below using special lighting techniques. I am sure all the Japanese art lovers appreciated them.

Photo 1

Photo 2

 Photo 3

 Photo 4

Photo 5

Photo 6

If you wish to see his collection of Nude Male photos, 
you can view them HERE

There is no virus okay!

Unforgettable Day

😓 Yesterday was the weakest day of my whole entire life. I had to crawl my way to stay at my sister's place. At her Mont Kiara condo...