Monday, August 13, 2012

The Kyoto Imperial Palace

Do you know the interesting facts that KYOTO was once the ancient capital of Japan? When it was moved the the present one, the name changed from KYO--TO to TO--KYO.

Our Japan trip was quite hectic as we tried to cover as many places possible in 1 week. The trip to The Kyoto Imperial Palace was the most relaxing as we were too early and had to wait for a few hours for the gate to open for the next limited visitors' session. 

This palace grounds is very huge in rectangular shape that measures 1.7km X 0.7km with many buildings inside the enclosure. It was first built in the year 794 and it was destroyed & rebuilt all together 8 times!

The Entrance Arches and High Walls of the Palace.

So we slowly walked outside the gardens and perimeter of the ancient palace. We had lunch at the cafe and lazed under the Pine Tree forest. It was lovely to smell really fresh Pine Trees.

I collected many dried Pine Cones from the Palace Grounds!!! Feng Shui Expert - Lilian Too often advised that we should collect the soil from very wealthy people's homes but I collected many Pine Cones from the palace grounds!!! Hope I will become someone very powerful and rich soon.

We stood by the side's disused gate for a photograph shoot and their sensor alarm triggered off. The whole bloody policemen can running out and whistled to shoo us off like Dogs!!! Woof!

We saw a small shrine outside the palace and went inside to pay our respects. The Japanese culture often have these little pieces of woods to write your wishes to hang up.

There was a hairy caterpillar hanging itself and many men took lazy naps in this park. They wore office suits and hid themselves there. If you cannot find your work staff at work, try to look for them at the KL or Taiping Lake Gardens or Penang's Botanical Gardens!

 We had little time left and decided to dance around the trees!! This special photo is dedicated to the world's famous & most talented blogger SK0617 who never failed to tease me and wife to run around the trees!

This lady was the appointed official tour guide who spoke the most beautiful American-English I ever heard from an Asian individual.

 Entrance to the palace's Main Building inside - Shishinden Hall For State Ceremonies.

The middle right photo shows the Main Building where the Emperor lived and slept. The Empress had her own separate building which was closed to visitors.

Close up of the Emperor's retreat area inside his palace. The Princess below lives with me in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

They have so many beautiful and neat gardens complete with free form lakes and bridges that would be a haven for lovers. The Japanese are so creative in landscaping and pruning bonsai miniature trees! Does the heavens look like this? I want to be there!

 The building that houses the Emperor's library with private court yards. Ahem Ahem.

 Heavens Is A Place On Earth.

Unforgettable Day

😓 Yesterday was the weakest day of my whole entire life. I had to crawl my way to stay at my sister's place. At her Mont Kiara condo...