Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Hard Rock Cafe @ Makati City

This will be my second last post of my trip to Manila.
The next final post will be covering the slum & poorest
areas. Let's talk something happier today.
We went to the Hard Rock Cafe unplanned, 
while we were just cruising across the chic areas
of Glorietta 3 in Makati City. I was curious to see their
interiors after having seen their famed cafes in
Manhattan, Beijing, Los Angeles & etc.

1. Hola! Mabuhay! I trotted inside happily.


2. They have a 2 level Cafe, so similar to the
one I got drunk inside Manhattan at New York City.

3. Lots of typical musicians' memorabilia would decorate their walls 
to add sentimental excitement for the Hard Rockers! 

 4. This is their long bar table. They just opened doors at noon
and the tiny crowd had started to trickle in.

5. So many bottles of alcohol and liquor to keep you
stoned drunk and happy. 

6. They have pool tables with Pinoys & Pinays enjoying.


7. My poor wifey was sitting far behind looking bored
but very patient with me for snapping so many photos
for my blogs. She is always my best and supportive
traveling companion in my life! Hihihi... 

8. Finally! We ordered snack and drinks. Now is her turn to snap
photos before I could sink my teeth into the appetizers.

9. Their signature Raspberry Fruity Vodka is so heavenly nice
and I was tipsy after 2 glasses! I thought it was a mild cocktail. 

10. This plate of sliced bread with Mexican styled tomatoes & cheese
was delicious. I forgot the mouthful names as usual.  

11. Voila! This potato skins with salsa & cheese was fabulous.
I forgot its mouthful names again. Sorry yeah! 

12. Cheers to all my readers & blogger friends!

13. These items belong to Keith Richards who is a famous
English musician, singer and actor who often hit the
headlines for good & wrong reasons. His well known
quotes are
I've never had a problem with drugs. 
I've had problems with the police.

14. The jacket belongs to Tina Turner! 
I love her songs!

15. These comic drawings were done by Elton John himself.
I can never forget his wedding photo being dressed in a full
gown bridal dress complete with a veil. OMG!

16. Hello? My wifey was still smiling happily.
So I continued to snap photos for you to see. 

17. These items belong to Paul McCartney of the Beatles.
So much memories for uncles like me. 

18. I had to take a break & went to piss in the Gent's Toilet.
They have so much decorations inside to keep our
eyes busy. 

19. They have 2 Souvenir Stores for hard core fans too.

 20. I bought T-shirts for my wifey & the DJ of BFM radio.

 21. The Teddy Bears looked cute but why are they not
wearing the bandana of Philippines flag?

22. My signature jump!
Happy Holidays to everyone.



  1. Ahhh Hard Rock.. There's always a guitar hanging there, and T-shirts too, nomatter which Hard Rock you go to in any countries.. My sis would always get Hard Rock shirts as souvenirs, but call me cheapo, I can't differentiate a genuine one bought from the Hard Rock cafe or the one bought from Petaling Street.. Anyway, yummzz, the potato skins look so so delicious.. I bet you can make your own after seeing how our dear Phong Hong made hers, with sour cream too, oooo la la !!

    1. LOL. I bought a fake one from Petaling Street with exact logo label and gave a Hong Kong friend who was so happy! Why I did that? He was ass hole la. LOL

      Yes I must make the potato skins! So cheap and easy yet so delicious to max. Happy holidays!

  2. Good evening TM... Haze is here in Singapore, tsk tsk....

  3. The bears is so cute, did you buy the bear back?

  4. Very interesting cafe and theme in guitar! You look cheerful and enjoyed the visit... there’s so much for shoot, including the one in toilet! Lol

  5. #1.. was it very glaring in there that Anay must wear his shades?? hehehe, sometimes Thambee is really confused why people are still wearing sunglasses indoor???

    #2.. oh, a two-level Hard Rock's Cafe, that is not very common huh??

    #3.. nice guitars!! sure the hardrockers would love all those..

    #4.. i wonder why there is no one at the bar?? so it was noon and they are just opened, no wonder..

    #5.. happily drunk and no worries, until you are awake again after the drunk..

    #6.. did Anay join in the Pinoys and Pinays and tell them you are from Tiruchirappalli to challenge them?? hehehe~~

    #7.. hehehe, well, what could she do besides waiting for you patiently?? anyway, you travelled all the way to keep her company in Makati, i guess she was more than happy for this little wait at the seat la..

    #8.. oh, look at Letchumy!!! totally a different face!!! she was so bored a minute ago, and when the food came, she was happy like a kiddo!!!

    #9.. Raspberry Fruity Vodka, hmmm, that sounds nice!!! tipsy after just 2 glasses?? must be strong huh??

    #10.. i would just call this bruschetta but then this is an American/Mexican restaurant huh?? so, please go and find out what this thing is called..

    #11.. the potato skin looks good loaded with those stuffs on top.. next time, take a photo of the menu too lah dei~~

    #12.. CHEERS to Anay and Letchumy!!

    #13.. i love this guitar, the blue color is kind of nice..

    #14.. You're simply the best.. Better than all the rest.. Better than anyone.. Anyone I've ever met~~

    #15.. oh, Elton John can draw comics?? i didn't know that.. i only know he can play piano while singing..

    #16.. maybe Letchumy was too bored that she wanted to take a shot of that big head popping out from below the seat~~

    #17.. i am actually not quite familiar with Beatle's songs, ask me about The Bee Gees then i'm better, hehehehe!!! :D

    #18.. ooopsss!! selfie in the toilet!! Thambee hope there was no one else in the toilet when Anay was snapping the photo~~

    #19.. of course one must not miss the souvenirs shop, it's rather signature huh??

    #20.. Hard Rock Cafe tee.. i prefer the other design that comes with a huge print of the city's signature places/culture etc at the back of the tee~~

    #21.. the Teddy Bear are from England, they refused to change the bandana to the Philippines flag.. oh dear, so naughty they are!!

    #22.. wah!!! jumped so high dei.. jumped so high even with a backpack and two handful of shopping bags!!! hebat Anay~~

  6. been there once.. my uncle brought me there but I was too young so I don't know how to appreciate those memorabilia ... Tina Turner jacket.. gosh I would love to see that!!

  7. Hahaha

    Looks like you both had fun in HRC! :)

  8. Looking at the long bar table, I suddenly imagine this scenario of a lady asking you: "Handsome, are you alone, want to buy me a drink?"


  9. Photo #10 and #11 look so delicious, yum yum, I am hungry

  10. Last photo - you looked so happy

  11. You and your wifey are such a loving couple! The food looks good especially the potato skins.

  12. That's bruschetta I reckon, that sliced bread thing that you had, the Hard Rock in Batu Ferringhi serves something similar too. But man, this Hard Rock Makati looks so much classier and nicer!

  13. Thanks for showing us the gents' room too..^.^..Hard Rock is a nice place to hang out with friends..

  14. Thanks for sharing... how was their coffee or it is only cocktails?
    Have a happy Mid Autumn Festival with your family.

  15. Reading this post reminded of the young jin jin that I first fell in love. He was a hard core Hard Rock T Shirt fan. He collected many HRC T shirts.
    After setting up a a family with me, he is too poor to buy himself a genuine HRC T shirt.

    I think I should get him one HRC T Shirt when I go travelling oversea in future.

    Anay and Letchumy are a very lovely couple, so happy and so blessed. Have a nice weekend to both of you. Sorry for not dropping by for so long.

  16. Oh 'Batu Keras' Makati City style..nice rocking place

  17. You are a pro at Jumping for photos now. Can go take part in the World Jumping for photos Contest and you will sure win! How come the Hard Rock cafe looks so empty with you both as the patrons only? You bao cheong ah? Booked the whole place to take photos?

  18. You are certainly One Happy Man there, TM!! Yes, love the way you trot in and jump out in the end... your camera very canggih la.. My jumps normally end up blur at my legs... no cyber shot gadget to help put my legs in place... hahahaha...

  19. ahhhh.....Hard Rock in Makati! It must be a nice place seeing Filipinos love music so much! Anyway, it seems quiet inside there, must be a working day or something. Well, maybe its the branding but all HR cafes looks the same but of course, with different decors. And, that;s the attraction, which is to check out the decors like jackets wore by artiste or stuffs done up by them.

  20. The food looks good and it's nice la ... just you and your lovely wifey there. So, did you bought any of the merchadise there , at least a teddy bear for thambee for his fing fing ? hahah...
    Oi...stop imitating Thambee's signature posed la... Have your own original one!

  21. eh...why wear sunglasses insider there ? Wanted to look cool ? hahaha....

  22. Did the staffs in HR greeted you with a 'Happy Rocking Day' or something similar to that? When I was in HR Penang, every corner, every staff will greet us with the same greetings by the end of the day before they can open their mouth, we quickly say, "Yes, you ROCK!" and walk on...

  23. Great Britain bandana on Philippine's Hard Rock teddies LOL

  24. ghost story ah? Kihkihkih

    1. gaya wor

    2. design also similar ya..

    3. I wonder those instruments show is from their musician there or from all over the world. For me it should give highlight the musician from there .

    4. place so empty . Like you already booked the whole place leh

    5. I love this photo. Lovely snap.

    6. letchumi tarak play?

    7.hahaha....the woman behind the man :)

    8. LOL...most probably she hungry la waiting for you to snap the photos

    9. this one must be from Letchumi's camera

    10. & 11... woi gua belum makan lunch...hungry liao now...adui

    12. Cheers

    .17. the white got see something weird ka?

    18....what the.....wei...toilet also tak lepas ka?

    22. :)

  25. 21....betul wor...since it's in Pinoy's place then should wear their flag mah.

  26. I collect HR shirts and I really love their design, all very 'heavy metal' one, with those guitars on the wall, ;)

  27. Oh I was here when I was in Manila too! :)

    Lots of interesting memories, it seems to be different now from the photos though. I heard it opened in the 1990's from an American guy who's now a club owner in Manila (he used to own Fronterra in Jaya One, Larry is the name, as well as a lot of different F&B places before that, knew him for a long time). It has certainly been though a lot of changes since then.

  28. Reminds me of my stay at Hard Rock Penang! Guess it's one of the must-go cafes to collect souvenirs! Hahaha!

  29. Lots of photos there. That's very nice to see what you have snapped. Keep snapping more and more! Happy Holidays!

  30. I have never eaten in any HRC. is it expensive? The food there.


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